Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Pro Mom

Back in full effect....
Here's an update on all the happenings around here:

* Nicke's back to work and handling it admirably. It seems pretty clear to me now that the hardest thing for a mother to do is leave her child with a stranger/daycare/babysitter for the first time.

* Macy is doing well but we are still trying to overcome some obstacles. She still doesn't have long stretches of sleep through the night which has made Mom's ability to maintain her status as a superstar teacher all the more impressive.

* For a reason that we are unable to pinpoint thus far, Macy can't seem to take to formula. We've tried a variety of brands, flavors, etc. but no matter what we try it ends the same: a Chernobyl-like meltdown.

....its still the best of times however and Macy is growing so fast. About a week ago we had an impromptu "fashion show" so we would have an excuse to get her into her swimsuit (see picture above with Aunt Raymee, who also gave Macy the one piece). Not sure if it'll still fit during beach season....and we celebrated Nicke's first Mother's Day which still seems a little odd to say.


Jocelyn Edin said...

Gwen would not take formula either. I was so ready to be done pumping at work I decided just to make it happen. She starved herself at daycare for almost a week. Super stressful but eventually she gave in and drank it down. This was around 6 months. This is another reason I started Emmett early. It's been easier, but now I'm trying to figure out the best brand. Ugh. It's always something!

CHERIE said...

YAY! New pictures! She is beautiful! The Reyburns will be in D-town next weekend!!!! Can't wait to meet her and see you guys! You are so is so tough working with a little one. While D.J. was gone, I would sleep 5 hours a night while working full time. It was completely and utterly exhausting. I lost all ability to function properly and sometimes I look back and wonder how I managed. Then, one day she slept a full night and it has been sweet dreams ever since! See you guys soon!

Liz said...

Hey guys, Haven't seen any new photos yet and we are wondering how big little Macy has gotten. Wish we could be there now to see you guys!